Bootstrap Themes

Individual Features

Our mission is to provide cost effective solution to everybody to empower them to secure and share their data, enabling them to collaborate efficiently and achieve their goals.



DCirrus drive

A complete solution to manage all user’s data at one place be it for storage or sharing. No need for expensive servers or network setup. User documents are stored, secured and made easily accessible as per their need.

Sync and Restore

The user can sync files and folders from his local device into his cloud drive. Any addition of files in a sync folder will be automatically uploaded into the cloud. In case of a device crash or theft, all synced files and folders in the cloud can be restored effortlessly into the new device.

Data Backup

Files are backed up according to configurable file-retention and versioning settings.


Values We Live By

Share files and folders

Users can share or receive the data with any third-party through a secured link which is password protected and without the need of 3rd party installing DCirrus application.

File Verasioning

Users can view different versions of a file uploaded with the same name to ensure that no changes are lost between updates or edits.

Offline Access

Downloaded files can be accessed on iOS and Android mobile devices even when offline.

Connect with us

We welcome all your feedback, suggestions and questions. Feel free to write to us, our team will be happy to assist you.
Corporate Office: NESCO IT Park, 10th Floor, Building 4, Goregaon, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East) Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063

Registered office: K 1/125, Block K 1, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110019
Other locations US, UK, Singapore
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